Indoor Air pollution In India As New Agent of Death

Indoor air pollution (IAP) is a serious threat and a matter of increased concern due to its mortality nature. People tend to spend about 85-90 % time indoors in urban areas like offices, education institutes, etc, which means they are continuously exposed to indoor pollution. IAP is included in the top five health risks around the globe.

IAP pollutants can be 100 times more in indoors as compared to outdoors due to open air environment outside and cancerous pollutants can be about  70 times more in indoor as direct inhalation of air along with pollutants about 6-10 liters per minute to 15000 liters/ day ( Wood et at., 2002). 

IAP pollutants mainly are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Ozone (O3) , Particulate Matter (PM), Heavy elements like Lead, Radon, and biological contaminants(Dong et al.,2009). People have no idea what they are dealing with , therefore a simple change in lifestyle must be added to deal with plants indoor.  Indoor air pollution from solid fuels accounted for 3.5 million deaths and 4.5% global daily-adjusted life year (DALY) in 2010 and it also accounted for 16% of particulate matter pollution in India

World Health Organization, claim 300,000 to 400,000 people die of indoor air pollution and carbon monoxide poisoning in India because of biomass burning and use of chullahs. The  Asian brown cloud which is delaying the start of the monsoon is due to heavy pollution content in India. The burning of biomass and firewood will not stop, unless electricity or clean-burning fuel and combustion technologies become reliably available and widely adopted in rural and urban India.

Air pollution is an unseen evil which is being generated by humans everyday and nature always shows dual properties and one day when our domestic resources will decrease that day people will die within few years of life and for that one such reason will be air pollution. Planting of more and more tress in both outside and inside of home will protect human and other living organisms for being affected. More wildlife and national parks  should be created and well preserved and their a urgent need to control the human population.

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